Youness hadide

Project : S.G.D

SGD (système de gestion des documents) is a solo project developed during an internship,emphasizes efficient user and document management, featuring streamlined user registration, comprehensive document handling, and detailed workflow tracking.

Project Image

Project Overview

SGD is a comprehensive document management system with robust user management functionalities. By integrating user registration and login mechanisms overseen by an administrator, the system ensures secure access control to the platform. Users, upon registration, provide essential details, empowering the administrator to create and manage accounts meticulously. This meticulous approach promotes accountability and facilitates centralized control over user privileges, fostering a secure environment conducive to efficient document management practices.

Central to the system's functionality is its document management capabilities, offering users the ability to upload, view, modify, and search for documents seamlessly. With features for adding metadata and tracking workflows, users can organize and monitor document lifecycles effectively. Furthermore, the inclusion of manual entries in an audit journal ensures transparent record-keeping of all activities within the system, enhancing accountability and facilitating compliance with regulatory standards. Overall, the project aims to streamline document handling processes, bolstering productivity and promoting adherence to best practices in document management.

Tools Used

HTML, CSS, JavaScript
JAVA, SpringBoot
Angular Js, Node Js